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Final Conference – reminder to register

Register here. We would like to send a reminder to register for the final conference of GEARBODIES on 21 June. The conference starts at 10:00, but there is a complimentary breakfast available between 9:00 and 9:45.  Location: Comet Louise, Pl. Stéphanie 20, 1050 Brussels (Room 2.5 Matcha Shelter)The success of the European rail system to foster the modal ...

Final Conference

Final Conference 21 June 2023 Location: Comet Louise, Pl. Stéphanie 20, 1050 Brussels (Room 2.5 Matcha Shelter)Register here: The success of the European rail system to foster the modal shift towards rail requires cost-efficient and reliable long-lasting trains. GEARBODIES contributes to this effort by improving the efficiency of rolling stock maintenance.GEARBODIES partners designed and prototyped several elastomer-metal running gear components, suitable for ...

gearbodies – kick off

The GEARBODIES project has started. Today we held the virtual kickoff meeting of the Shift2Rail JU  financed Project #GEARBODIES. #Innovative Technologies for Inspecting #Carbodies and for Development of #Running Gear. With 13 Partners from 8 countries.