Newsletter June 2023
Dear Reader,In this final newsletter before reaching the end of theGEARBODIES (Innovative Technologies for InspectingCarbodies and for Development of Running Gear) project,you will learn more about what the project partners haveachieved. The best way to get a closer look at the projectachievements though will be to attend the GEARBODIESfinal conference that will take place on […]
Final Conference – reminder to register
We would like to send a reminder to register for the final conference of GEARBODIES on 21 June. The conference starts at 10:00, but there is a complimentary breakfast available between 9:00 and 9:45. Location: Comet Louise, Pl. Stéphanie 20, 1050 Brussels (Room 2.5 Matcha Shelter) The success of the European rail system to foster the modal […]
Final Conference
Final Conference 21 June 2023 Location: Comet Louise, Pl. Stéphanie 20, 1050 Brussels (Room 2.5 Matcha Shelter) Register here: https://lnkd.in/eKiKdBxN The success of the European rail system to foster the modal shift towards rail requires cost-efficient and reliable long-lasting trains. GEARBODIES contributes to this effort by improving the efficiency of rolling stock maintenance. GEARBODIES partners designed and prototyped several elastomer-metal […]
Article published in Sensors, with the title: “Exploring Step-Heating and Lock-In Thermography NDT Using One-Sided Inspection on Low-Emissivity Composite Structures for New Rail Carbodies Article published in Sensors, with the title: “
by Alkiviadis Tromaras and Vassilios Kappatos Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Hellenic Institute of Transport, 6th Km Charilaou-Thermi Road, 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece available online at the following link https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/21/8195 Received: 16 September 2022 / Revised: 20 October 2022 / Accepted: 20 October 2022 / Published: 26 October 2022.
Article in the IRJ April 2022
Improving passenger train maintenance efficiency. A #GEARBODIES Article published in the International Railway Journal in April with the title: “Improving passenger train maintenance efficiency.” Shift2Rail’s Gearbodies project seeks to reduce passenger train maintenance costs. Celestino Sánchez Martín, project manager with Eurnex, Alkiviadis Tromaras, research associate with the Centre for Technology Hellas/Hellenic Institute of Transport (Certh/Hit), and Stefanos.
GEARBODIES – Newsletter January 2022
In this 1st newsletter of the GEARBODIES project (Innovative Technologies for Inspecting Carbodies and for Development of Running Gear), you will learn about the current developments, as the project has reached its halfway point. Through the various achievements that are being summarised, you should also get an idea of what’s to come going forward, until […]
GEARBODIES Video presentation
We are so proud to present our project #GEARBODIES in a new video!#GEARBODIES is a Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking project #Improving the efficiency of #rollingstock#maintenance, towards an even more #reliable, #successful and #sustainable#rail#transport. Have a look! A big thank you to Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH for all the support during the making of […]
gearbodies flyer
We proudly present the GEARBODIES Flyer. Flip through the digital booklet below or download the pdf.