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GEARBODIES – Newsletter January 2022

In this 1st newsletter of the GEARBODIES project (Innovative Technologies for Inspecting Carbodies and for Development of Running Gear), you will learn about the current developments, as the project has reached its halfway point. Through the various achievements that are being summarised, you should also get an idea of what’s to come going forward, until ...

GEARBODIES Video presentation

https://youtu.be/duaO0yKFgfw We are so proud to present our project #GEARBODIES in a new video!#GEARBODIES is a Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking project #Improving the efficiency of #rollingstock#maintenance, towards an even more #reliable, #successful and #sustainable#rail#transport. Have a look! A big thank you to Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH for all the support during the making of the ...

gearbodies flyer

We proudly present the GEARBODIES Flyer. Flip through the digital booklet below or download the pdf.

gearbodies – kick off

The GEARBODIES project has started. Today we held the virtual kickoff meeting of the Shift2Rail JU  financed Project #GEARBODIES. #Innovative Technologies for Inspecting #Carbodies and for Development of #Running Gear. With 13 Partners from 8 countries.

Shift2Rail awards 19 grants for its Call for Proposals 2020

New Shift2Rail Call 2020 projects launched! 19 projects worth €147.7 million will be funded under the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking 2020 Call for Proposals for research & innovation activities. Shift2Rail’s co-funding will amount up to €75.4 million. The new projects will deliver key Shift2Rail results through technological demonstrators and pave the way to the successor programme. The Shift2Rail ...