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Final Conference
Final Conference
21 June 2023
Comet Louise, Pl. Stéphanie 20, 1050 Brussels (Room 2.5 Matcha Shelter)
Register here:
The success of the European rail system to foster the modal shift towards rail requires cost-efficient and reliable long-lasting trains. GEARBODIES contributes to this effort by improving the efficiency of rolling stock maintenance.
GEARBODIES partners designed and prototyped several elastomer-metal running gear components, suitable for serial production, based on high-performance new elastomer formulations and existing elastomers not yet applied in rolling stock elements. In addition, the project also explored innovative technologies for the development of low LCC bearings. New lubrication solutions, new materials for races and rollers, novel polymers for cages and the effects of new bearing geometries were researched, among which the most feasible ones were integrated in a new bearing design and prototyped.
GEARBODIES also developed an innovative modular platform to reduce the inspection time of lightweight carbody shells. The platform incorporates tailored thermography and ultrasonic inspection systems and facilitates the automated detection and assessment of defects throughout the thickness of the shell by using a customised software module.
Come and join us in Brussels to find out the project’s achievements in extending overhaul periods and improving maintenance processes, by developing innovative Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) technologies to optimise inspection processes for lightweight carbody shells.
Click here for the detailed agenda
and don’t forget to register in advance!
For any question on this event, please send an email to Stefanos Gogos
Looking forward to seeing you in Brussels!