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Newsletter June 2023

Dear Reader,
In this final newsletter before reaching the end of the
GEARBODIES (Innovative Technologies for Inspecting
Carbodies and for Development of Running Gear) project,
you will learn more about what the project partners have
achieved. The best way to get a closer look at the project
achievements though will be to attend the GEARBODIES
final conference that will take place on the 21st June in
Brussels. Therefore if you want to learn more about the
project and you still have the opportunity to join us in
Brussels, please visit our website and register through
the dedicated link.
In the following chapters you will get an overview of what
has been achieved during the 31 months of the project,
with the end of the activities expected in June 2023.
To find out more about GEARBODIES and its objectives,
to access the public deliverables and to get a closer
look at the project partners, please visit our website on
Enjoy the read!
Download the Pdf here or read the digital version below